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Create more than one (one to many) relations between to entity by code first approach model in EF4.3

thanks for attention. During developing an accounting program, I faced with a flowing problem and need some help engineers.

I have to entities : Product and unit

public class Product

    #region Properties

    private int _Id;
    public int Id
        get { return _Id; }
        set { _Id = value; }

    private string _Name;
    public string Name
        get { return _Name; }
        set { _Name = value; }

    private string _Code;
    public string Code
        get { return _Code; }
        set { _Code = value; }

    private int _MainUnitId;
    public int MainUnitId
        get { return _MainUnitId; }
        set { _MainUnitId = value; }

    private int _SubsidiaryUnitId;
    public int SubsidiaryUnitId
        get { return _SubsidiaryUnitId; }
        set { _SubsidiaryUnitId = value; }

    private int _SnachUnitId;
    public int SnachUnitId
        get { return _SnachUnitId; }
        set { _SnachUnitId = value; }

    private decimal _SubidiaryCount;
    public decimal SubidiaryCount
        get { return _SubidiaryCount; }
        set { _SubidiaryCount = value; }

    private decimal _SnachCount;
    public decimal SnachCount
        get { return _SnachCount; }
        set { _SnachCount = value; }

    #endregion Proerties

    #region Navigators

    private Unit _MainUnit;
    public virtual Unit MainUnit
        get { return _MainUnit; }
        set { _MainUnit = value; }

    private Unit _SubsidiaryUnit;
    public virtual Unit SubsidiaryUnit
        get { return _SubsidiaryUnit; }
        set { _SubsidiaryUnit = value; }

    private Unit _SnachUnit;
    public virtual Unit SnachUnit
        get { return _SnachUnit; }
        set { _SnachUnit = value; }

    #endregion Navigators


and this is my Unit Entity :

public class Unit

    private int _Id;

    public int Id
        get { return _Id; }
        set { _Id = value; }

    private string _Title;

    public string Title
        get { return _Title; }
        set { _Title = value; }

    private ICollection<Product> _MainUnitedProducts;
    public virtual ICollection<Product> MainUnitedProducts
        get { return _MainUnitedProducts; }
        set { _MainUnitedProducts = value; }

    private ICollection<Product> _SubsidiaryUnitedProducts;
    public virtual ICollection<Product> SubsidiaryUnitedProducts
        get { return _SubsidiaryUnitedProducts; }
        set { _SubsidiaryUnitedProducts = value; }

    private ICollection<Product> _SnachUnitedProducts;
    public virtual ICollection<Product> SnachUnitedProducts
        get { return _SnachUnitedProducts; }
        set { _SnachUnitedProducts = value; }


As you see i have have tree one-to-many relation between these entitis :

Product.MainUnitId        *-----1     Unit.Id
Product.SubsidiaryUnitId  *-----1     Unit.Id
Product.SnachUnitId       *-----1     Unit.Id

but when i use the Context.Database.Create() an unexpected error occurred

Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_Products_Units_SubsidiaryUnitId' on table 'Products' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.

Is there anyone out there to help me?! Did I use InverProperty mapping and ForeignKey mapping right?

thanks guys


The exception comes from SQL Server. You will have to turn off cascading delete for the three relationships (it is on by mapping conventions because your relationships are required and not optional). Unfortunately you can't do this with data annotations but only with Fluent API:

    .HasRequired(p => p.MainUnit)
    .WithMany(u => u.MainUnitedProducts)
    .HasForeignKey(p => p.MainUnitId)

And the same for the other two relationships. You can remove then the [ForeignKey] and [InverseProperty] annotations because this mapping in Fluent API already defines the inverse and foreign key properties.

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