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Backup MySql Database?

I have asked this question before but I haven't got an answer, so I'm rephrasing it.

I want to back up a db using either:

system("mysqldump -h DB_HOST -u DB_USER -p DB_PASS logindb > $location/$backup");


sql="BACKUP my_db TO DISK my_backup_folder WITH FORMAT #";

if ($stmt = $this->connect->prepare($sql)) {    
} else {
    $error              = true;
    $message['error']   = true;
    return json_encode($message);

But the first gives me an empty sql file and the second gives me nothing. Why is that, and if there is a way to find out what error occurred how would I do it ?

Also which method is better ?

Use try-catch, something like:

    $stmt = $this->connect->prepare($sql);
catch(PDOException $e)
    echo $e->getMessage();

Check log files for errors.

The start post:


And the right form:


I don't know why but the -p is agains the password, not equal to the other parameters. So be aware that you take over the examples well. I have seen different cases where this was the issue so take note of it.

Found some simpler code here

Method 1:

$tableName  = 'mypet';
$backupFile = 'backup/mypet.sql';
$query      = "SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '$backupFile' FROM $tableName";
$result = mysql_query($query);

Method 2:

$backupFile = $dbname . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") . '.gz';
$command = "mysqldump --opt -h $dbhost -u $dbuser -p $dbpass $dbname | gzip > $backupFile";

The first one is faster if you have exec permissions for php.

Check the SQL error log file.

/var/log/mysql.err - MySQL Error log file

/var/log/mysql.log - MySQL log file

For php you might put error_reporting(E_ALL); this to throw php errors if any.

Make sure that the user have the permission to this database.

Below is the command to backup the mysql database

mysqldump -h [host_name] -u [username] -p[password] [database_name] > dumpfilename.sql

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