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Function pointer to template class member functions

I have a templated class defined (in part) as

template <class T> MyClass
   void DoSomething(){}

If I want to call DoSomething from another class, but be able to do this for multiple 'T' types in the same place, I am stuck for an idea as method functions pointers are uniquely constrained to the class type. Of course, each MyClass is a different type, so I can not store function pointers to MyClassDoSomething() in a 'polymorphic' way.

My use-case is I want to store, in a holding class, a vector of function pointers to 'DoSomething' such that I can issue a call to all stored classes from one place.

Has anyone any suggestions?

Ok, so the functor solution doesn't work as you need. Perhaps you should have your template class inherit from a common base "Interface" class. And then you use a vector of those.

Something like this:

class Base { 
  virtual ~Base(){}
  virtual void DoSomething() = 0;

template <class T> class MyClass : public Base {
    void DoSomething(){}

std::vector<Base *> objects;
objects.push_back(new MyClass<int>);
objects.push_back(new MyClass<char>);

You know, that is just what I needed to do. Bizzarly I had discounted it as a solution valid for my usecase early on, for reasons that now escape me. I think I was blinded by some metaprogramming stuff I'm doing in the same place for compile-time dispatch (ie confusing compile time and runtime in my addled brain).

Thanks for the jolts!

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