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mysql_real_escape_string and html_special_chars enough?

This question gets asked a lot, but I still haven't found a straight answer on stackoverflow. Are these two functions sufficient or not? There are a lot of contradictory comments around the internet "yes its fine?, "no, never use it". Others say, use PDO, which I don't understand. I'm just a beginner to PHP, so I don't fully understand all of the ins and outs of security. I've tried reading and understanding the following, but many don't make much sense to me.

Do htmlspecialchars and mysql_real_escape_string keep my PHP code safe from injection?

What if I use preg_replace to strip unwanted characters?

I'm incredibly confused and don't know where to start.

EDIT: Could someone please also recommend how I go about understanding prepared statements (assuming this is the best option).

Sam, if you are storing the input in a database, to avoid SQL injection and XSS then those two functions are enough. If you are storing passwords, you must encrypt the passwords with one-way encryption (that is they can not be decrypted).

Let me expand my answer: First of all, SQL Injection is a method where a malicious user will attempt to modify your SQL statement to make it do their will. For example, let's say you have a login form. By inserting one of the following values into an un-protected form, I will be able to log into the first account without knowing the username or password:

' or 1=1 -- 

There are many versions of the above injection. Let's examine what it does to the SQL executed on the database:

The PHP: mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='" . $username."' AND password='" . $password . "';");

When the above is executed, the following SQL is sent to the database:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='' or 1=1-- ' AND password='' or 1=1--';

The effective part of this SQL is this: SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='' or 1=1

as the double dash (with the space afterwards) is a comment, removing the rest of the statement.

Now that gives the malicious user access. With use of an escaping function such as mysql_real_escape_string, you can escape the content so the following is sent to the database:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='\' or 1=1-- ' AND password='\' or 1=1--';

That now escapes the quotes, making the intended strings, just that - strings.

Now let's view some XSS. Another malicious user would like to change the layout of a page. A well known XSS attack was the Facespace attack on Facebook back in 2005. This involves inserting raw HTML into forms. The database will save the raw HTML and then it will be displayed to users. A malicious user could insert some javascript with use of the script tag, which could do anything javascript can do!

This is escaped by converting < and > to &ltl; and > respectively. You use the html_special_chars function for this.

This should be enough to secure normal content on a site. However passwords are a different story.

For passwords, you must also encrypt the password. It is advisable to use PHP's crypt function for this.

However, once the password is encrypted and saved in the database as an encypted password, how can you decrypt it to check that it is correct? Easy answer - you don't decrypt it. HINT: A password always encrypts to the same value.

Were you thinking 'We can encrypt the password when the user logs in and check it against the one in the database', you are correct...

Depends on what you're using the input for and where it's going.

the only thing to assume when sanitizing input for php applications is that there are a lot of smart people out there, and if they really wanted to break your app, they'll find a way to do it.

following the guides you listed and other guides are a great start. but then every bit of sanitizing you do will incur a non-trivial amount of time and memory to perform.

so it all really depends on what you're using the input for and where it's going.

mysql_real_escape_string and html_special_chars are nice utilities, but you shouldn't depend solely on them and they're are also not always needed.

don't get discouraged as even mature and well programmed sites have to keep up with the latest in xss and other attacks. fun game of cat and mouse.

one place you can start is with a framework, i like codeignitor. go through their security classes to see how they deal with it.

or better yet, write a simple form processor and try to come up with ways to run arbitrary code yourself. you'd be surprised with how many ways you can come up with.

Assuming you are asking about security, there is one problem with mysql_real_escape_string.

This function has absolutely nothing to do with security.

Whenever you need escaping, you need it despite of "security", but just because it is required by SQL syntax. And where you don't need it, escaping won't help you even a bit.

The usage of this function is simple: when you have to use a quoted string in the query, you have to escape it's contents. Not because of some imaginary "malicious users", but merely to escape these quotes that were used to delimit a string. This is extremely simple rule, yet extremely mistaken by PHP folks.

This is just syntax related function, not security related.

Depending on this function in security matters, believing that it will "secure your database against malicious users" WILL lead you to injection.

A conclusion that you can make yourself:
No, this function is not enough .

Prepared statements is not a silver bullet too. It covers your back for only half of possible cases.

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