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How to identify position of a button with respect to a grid which contains a set of buttons

I am a beginner at using WPF.

I have wrote some xaml code in order to make a tic tac toe game.

I have a grid with 3 x 3 cells. I have put a button inside each cell of the grid.

I want to print out the position of the button with respect to the grid(ie row number and column number) when I press the button.

This is the xaml code :

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
Title="Test Window" Height="500" Width="500" BorderBrush="#FA0D0D0D">

        <RowDefinition />
        <RowDefinition />
        <RowDefinition />
        <ColumnDefinition />
        <ColumnDefinition />
        <ColumnDefinition />
    <Button Name ="b1" Grid.Column=" 0" Grid.Row=" 0" Click="button_Click" />
    <Button Name ="b2" Grid.Column=" 0" Grid.Row=" 1" Click="button_Click" />
    <Button Name ="b3" Grid.Column=" 0" Grid.Row=" 2" Click="button_Click" />
    <Button Name ="b4" Grid.Column=" 1" Grid.Row=" 0" Click="button_Click" />
    <Button Name ="b5" Grid.Column=" 1" Grid.Row=" 1" Click="button_Click" />
    <Button Name ="b6" Grid.Column=" 1" Grid.Row=" 2" Click="button_Click" />
    <Button Name ="b7" Grid.Column=" 2" Grid.Row=" 0" Click="button_Click" />
    <Button Name ="b8" Grid.Column=" 2" Grid.Row=" 1" Click="button_Click" />
    <Button Name ="b9" Grid.Column=" 2" Grid.Row=" 2" Click="button_Click" />


This is the C# code :

namespace WpfApplication1
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
    static int symbol;
    static int[][] game;
    public MainWindow()
        symbol = 1;
        game = new int[3][];
        game[0] = new int[3];
        game[1] = new int[3];
        game[2] = new int[3];


    private void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Button b = (Button)sender;
        if (symbol == 1)
            b.Content = "x";
            symbol = 2;
            b.Content = "o";
            symbol = 1;



Inside the button_Click method I want to print the row number and column number of the grid, where that button is placed. How can I obtain that information?

You may get the row and column index by these static methods of Grid:

int row = Grid.GetRow(b);
int column = Grid.GetColum(b);

The methods return the values of the attached properties Grid.Row and Grid.Column .

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