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Floated div dropping below others in IE and FF

I'm having an odd problem with some floated divs on this page that I'm working on . There are 3 of them across the page, with 1em margins between. In Chrome they line up perfectly, but in IE and FF, the right hand one drops a little - but not all the way below. I thought this might be best described with a picture, please see below:


I can't work out which bit of the CSS is causing this - I've been through the new FF code inspector and highlighted all block level objects with the webdev toolbar but can't see anything that would cause such a drop.

I did wonder if it was something within the JS twitter feed causing it, but I've swapped round the Twitter and "Update" boxes and it's always the right-hand one. I've also tried removing additional elements from the page - everything between the menu and these three boxes.

I must admit, I'm at my wit's end! Can anyone spot something obvious I've missed? The CSS is fairly large, and I'm not sure which bit to show, so I haven't copied it in in, but will do if anyone desires. Otherwise everything can be viewed at http://www.woodexperts.com

Change width: 15.25em in div#main div.tricolumn to width: 15.24em

That should take care of the issue.

I understand that this is a hack, but if IE is the only browser causing problems, you might want to consider IE conditional comments that restrict certain styles only for IE:


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