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Plone 4.1 Custom PAS plugin with paster

Trying to create custom pas plugin for authentication. Doing this via paster

../bin/paster create -t plone_pas abc.xyz

now what I'm seeing in when its creates structure it take two dots in namespace and creating two identical dictionaries. structure of my pas product dictionaries is like:


why its taking two dots in namespace. Is there something I'm missing here?

first level of xyz dictionaries needed?

This is an unfortunate restriction of the plone_pas paster template: it only knows how to create a package structure that is three levels deep. So you should give a name like abc.def.xyz.

Recommended is calling your package: pas.plugins.meaningfulname.

Maurita is, of course, correct.

If you use the 'zopeskel' command, you'll actually have validation applied to you package name, and you will be informed about the restriction. Try this:

../bin/zopeskel plone_pas abc.xyz

You should get a message that tells you that a two-dot name is required for this template. The script should prompt you for a new name and allow you to re-enter something like abc.def.xyz

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