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DOJO: dojox.grid.TreeGrid + checkbox How to

Is it possible to place chceckboxes inside LazyTreeGrid ?

Maybe there is some plugin that would automatically update the selected object and fire onSelectionChanged event ?

Thanks for help.

The treegrid has a bug in terms of checkbox. { field: "isSelected",name: "Selected", width: "6em", editable:"true",alwaysEditing:"true",cellType:"dojox.grid.cells.Bool"} ,

Will show the checkbox. But it will not provide you the value when you check/uncheck the value.

To fix it, you need to do this: { field: "recvid",name: "Selected", width: "6em",formatter:formatCheckBox} ,

 function formatCheckBox(value,rowIndex) 
        var icon;
        //var item = e.grid.getItem(rowIndex);
        //var itemName = item.itemName.toString();
        var id = value + "|" + 'Selected';
        //console.log(rowIndex + " "+value);

         if (rowIndex!=-1)
          icon = "<input  style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" id='" + id + "' name='grid_item_checkbox' type='checkbox' />&#xA0;";
        return icon;

具有多状态复选框的Dijit树 (在Google搜索时显示为第一个结果)

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