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How to load external XAML ResourceDictionary

How can I add ResourceDictionary dinamicly like this?

ResourceDictionary template = new ResourceDictionary();
template.Source = new Uri("Design.xaml", UriKind.Relative);

With absolute Uri it working perfectly but from Relative doesnt.

I use the XamlReader class to do this:

string exeFilePath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase;
string exeDirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(exeFilePath);
string targetFile = "subfolder\\dictionary.xaml";
string path_to_xaml_dictionary = new Uri(Path.Combine(exeDirPath, targetFile)).LocalPath;
string strXaml = File.ReadAllText(path_to_xaml_dictionary);                    
ResourceDictionary resourceDictionary = (ResourceDictionary)XamlReader.Parse(strXaml);

Works pretty well for me.

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