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Using PHP (and maybe AJAX?) with jQTouch

I am having some difficulty using PHP with jQTouch.
I am fairly confident with JavaScript however my PHP skills are little to none.
I am creating an application for my final year project at University what displays football rumours posted by different users.

My problem is as follows: I have one screen that displays each individual rumour, using a while loop in PHP I am able to get each rumour from the database and display them correctly. However I want to be able to click on one rumour which then displays this rumour in a different screen, along with options to reply/share etc. However I do not know how to tell which rumour has been clicked on.
Snippets of my code:
All rumours page:

        $q1 = "SELECT * FROM tblrumours;"; 
        $r1 = mysql_query($q1); 
        while( $row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($r1) ){ 
    <a class="rumourTag submit" id="<?php echo $row1['rumourID']; ?>"> 
            <div class='oneRumour'> 
            <div class='standardBubble'> 
                            $userID = $row1['userID']; 
                            $q2 = "SELECT * FROM tblusers WHERE userID = $userID;"; 
                            $r2 = mysql_query($q2); 
                            while( $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($r2) ){ 
                                    $username = $row2['username']; 
                                    $teamID = $row2['teamID']; 
                            $q5 = "SELECT * FROM tblteams WHERE teamID = $teamID;"; 
                            $r5 = mysql_query($q5); 
                            while( $row5 = mysql_fetch_array($r5) ){ 
                                    echo "<img src='img/".$row5['teamPicture']."' alt='' 
    class='teamImg' />"; 
                    <span class='username'> 
                            echo $username; 
                    <span class='rumourMsg'><?php echo $row1['rumourText']; ?></ 


       $q1 = "SELECT * FROM tblrumours WHERE rumourID = 1;"; /* NEED 
        $r1 = mysql_query($q1); 
        while( $row1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1) ){ 

I have tried using Session variables, storing the ID's in an array, creating a separate php file for the single rumour page, and all to no avail. I am guessing I have to use AJAX in some way, but I have no idea where to even begin. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

If you need to click on a rumour to see more details about it, you could always output in the HTML a unique value used to reference that rumour in the DB.

eg have <span class='rumourMsg' id='rumourName'> where rumourName is a unique value stored in your database to reference that rumour. Then when a user clicks to see more details, you can make a request to the PHP page with that value and return the content.

eg rumourDetails?rumourName=uniqueRumourName

(make sure to escape all your data properly to avoid SQL injection vulnerabilities.)

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