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Creating a client for java web service

I have created a simple java web service class like follows

public class Customer {
private String customerName;

public String getCustomerName() {
return customerName;

public void setCustomerName(String customerName) {
this.customerName = customerName;

I did this using Eclipse Indigo enterprise edition & I used Axis2 as soap engine. Every thing fine.I created web service successfully & deployed it on Tomcat 7 server(wsdl also ok). Now I want create a client program which can update the name variable. I created web service client using Eclipse & it generates CustomerCallbackHandler & CustomerStub java classes automatically. But I don't know how to develop a client using that classes to update variable. Please help me....

I implemented a client like this...

 import java.rmi.RemoteException;
 import com.spikes.ws.CustomerWSStub.SetName;
 import com.spikes.ws.CustomerWSStub.GetNameResponse;;
   public class TestClient {
public static void main(String[] args) throws RemoteException{
    CustomerWSStub.SetName obj = new CustomerWSStub.SetName();

    CustomerWSStub.GetNameResponse res = new CustomerWSStub.GetNameResponse();


But when I'm running the code It gives "null" as result. What is wrong?? & how can I correct that ??? please help me.....

Please list your webservice method. You have listed, I'm assuming the class you pass up.

CustomerWSStub.SetName obj = new CustomerWSStub.SetName();    

You need to call the web method on the class

CustomerWSStub.SetName obj = new CustomerWSStub.SetName();    

CustomerWSStub stub = new CustomerWSStub();
CustomerWSStub.GetNameResponse res = stub.GetName(obj);

Please post your actual web service method and that will be helpful.

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