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How to call C# event from VB.Net

I have a C# class library. In that class I have declared an event as a property

private static event MouseEventHandler s_MouseClick;
public static event MouseEventHandler MouseClick
        s_MouseClick += value;
        s_MouseClick -= value;

I have another project written in VB.net, On click of a button I want to do something like this:

cls.MouseClick += cls_MouseClick;

void cls_MouseClick(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)

This is how I would do it in C#. But how do I do it in VB?

In VB, to register an event handler use AddHandler :

AddHandler cls.MouseClick, AddressOf cls_MouseClick

Use RemoveHandler to unregister the event handler.

Alternatively, you can use a declarative syntax. That is: declare the member as follows:

Private WithEvents cls As YourClassType

And declare the handler like this:

Private Sub cls_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles cls.MouseClick
End Sub

Now you do not need to register the handler manually.

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