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I would like a way to get individual anchor vars from a url and then apend all links within a specific <div> with the anchor vars

I would like a way to get individual anchor vars from a url and then apend all links within a specific with the anchor vars.

ie Current url for get vars: http://www.bestforbusiness.com#a_aid=affname&a_bid=34837e17

current links in div for replacement: <a href="http://australia.bestforbusiness.com">Australia</a>

The result whould be: <a href="http://australia.bestforbusiness.com#a_aid=affname&a_bid=34837e17">Australia</a>

I dont mind if it is done with javascript or Jquery just need some help stiching it all together as i am a noob when it comes to javascript.

Hope this is clear enough, thanks in advance

Try this:

    var anchor_vars = document.location.hash;
    $("#target_div a").each(function(idx, item) { // REPLACE target_div with proper id
        $(item).attr('href', $(item).attr('href') + anchor_vars);

Using Jquery

var customAnchorVars="#a_aid=affname&a_bid=34837e17";
$("div a").each(function()


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