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php foreach loop use variable in function name

I have a foreach loop that creates a function for each array item. I need a unique name for each function created and would like to include the current array item in the function name but don't know how to do this.

At the moment I have the function named as "function ttm_global__shortcode()" however I would like it to be "function ttm_global_$acf_field_shortcode()"

$acf_fields = array("telephone_number", "fax_number", "email_address", "skype");

foreach($acf_fields as $acf_field) {    
    function ttm_global__shortcode() {
        echo get_field($acf_field, 'options');
        $output = ob_get_contents();
        return $output; 
    add_shortcode($acf_field, 'ttm_global_'.$acf_field.'_shortcode');


If the second parameter of add_shortcode is a call back I think you can do it without creating such function.

$output = get_field($acf_field, 'options');
add_shortcode($acf_field, create_function('',"return '$output';"));

If you still want to create function.

Before PHP 5.3.0

Use create_function

foreach($acf_fields as $acf_field)
    $funcs[$acf_field] = create_function('$acf_field', '
        echo get_field($acf_field, 'options');
        $output = ob_get_contents();
        return $output;'


After PHP 5.3.0

foreach($acf_fields as $acf_field)
    $funcs[$acf_field] = function($acf_field){
        echo get_field($acf_field, 'options');
        $output = ob_get_contents();
        return $output;


Note: A parameter is added to your function.

Using PHP 5.3 this can be done with anonymous functions

foreach($acf_fields as $acf_field) {
    add_shortcode($acf_field, function() use($acl_field) {
        // ...

You can use the create_function method to creates an anonymous function from the parameters passed, and returns a unique name for it.

function process($var1, $var2, $farr)
    foreach ($farr as $f) {
        echo $f($var1, $var2) . "\n";

// create a bunch of math functions
$f1 = 'if ($a >=0) {return "b*a^2 = ".$b*sqrt($a);} else {return false;}';
$f2 = "return \"min(b^2+a, a^2,b) = \".min(\$a*\$a+\$b,\$b*\$b+\$a);";
$f3 = 'if ($a > 0 && $b != 0) {return "ln(a)/b = ".log($a)/$b; } else { return false; }';
$farr = array(
    create_function('$x,$y', 'return "some trig: ".(sin($x) + $x*cos($y));'),
    create_function('$x,$y', 'return "a hypotenuse: ".sqrt($x*$x + $y*$y);'),
    create_function('$a,$b', $f1),
    create_function('$a,$b', $f2),
    create_function('$a,$b', $f3)

echo "\nUsing the first array of anonymous functions\n";
echo "parameters: 2.3445, M_PI\n";
process(2.3445, M_PI, $farr);

// now make a bunch of string processing functions
$garr = array(
    create_function('$b,$a', 'if (strncmp($a, $b, 3) == 0) return "** \"$a\" '.
    'and \"$b\"\n** Look the same to me! (looking at the first 3 chars)";'),
    create_function('$a,$b', '; return "CRCs: " . crc32($a) . ", ".crc32($b);'),
    create_function('$a,$b', '; return "similar(a,b) = " . similar_text($a, $b, &$p) . "($p%)";')
echo "\nUsing the second array of anonymous functions\n";
process("Twas brilling and the slithy toves", "Twas the night", $garr);

check out http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.create-function.php for more details.

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