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using php template in symfony 2 instead of twig

I am trying to display a symfony template using php..However, symfony is treating my php tags as "comments"

My controller

namespace Acme\testBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;

class testController extends Controller
    public function helloAction()
        //return new Response('Created product id ');

        return $this->render('AcmetestBundle:test:test.html.php');

My template : test.html.php

<?php var_dump("Hello world");?>

My output :

<!--?php var_dump("Hello world");?-->

How can I fix this?


templating: { engines: ['twig','php'] }

any more suggestions? Enabled twig as Cerad suggested, cleared cache. Still keep getting

<!--?php var_dump("Hello world");?-->

Did you google for this?

First result for "Symfony2 PHP template": http://symfony.com/doc/2.0/cookbook/templating/PHP.html

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