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Not able to Clean and Build in Netbeans 7.1 Beta

While Doing clean and build i am getting following error. How to avoid this error.

Copying 1 file to E:\NIRAJ\Copyofcopyexample\build
E:\NIRAJ\Copyofcopyexample\nbproject\build-impl.xml:716: The following error occurred while executing this line:
E:\NIRAJ\Copyofcopyexample\nbproject\build-impl.xml:544: copylibs doesn't support the "rebase" attribute

This is the build-impl.xml

<copylibs compress="${jar.compress}" index="${jar.index}" indexMetaInf="${jar.index.metainf}" jarfile="${dist.jar}" manifest="@{manifest}" rebase="${copylibs.rebase}" runtimeclasspath="${run.classpath.without.build.classes.dir}">

I am using Windows 7,jdk 1.6. Previously i have compiled same code with Netbeans 6.9.1

尝试从build-impl.xml文件中删除rebase =“$ {copylibs.rebase}”条目。

If you are using the Netbeans IDE, a simple solution would be rebase="${copylibs.rebase}" , move the referenced file imported and back to the original package, build the project. Remake the instance in the file and use the fix imports.

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