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Edit and Continue

I found a similar question here , but of no help.

I have a solution with nearly 10 projects in it. I am able to edit the code while debugging the solution, but for 1 particular project (say "Defect.csproj"), I am not able to. I am receiving the error as 在此处输入图片说明

I have compared the properties of this "Defect.csproj" project ith other project properties and everything is found to be same. In Debug and Build tab in properties, Configuration is Debug. Optimize code is off. Can anyone suggest me whats the problem with my solution?

Are you using any special references on this project?

Using office references or delta lambda expressions can silently break the edit and continue functionality.

Also using some third party component winform items can really play havoc with edit and continue.

Also keep in mind that using linq breaks edit and continue fairly often and editing inside a try catch block on the active function is bad.

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