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How can I return a generic list generated by a query to a DataGrid ItemSource?

I am generating a DataGrid from an Entity Model, which was very simple in the code behind. But now that I am trying to bind it in an MVVM pattern, I can't seem to figure out how to return a generic list.

From the ModelView:

    public ??? LoadMoviesMethod()
        ObjectQuery<MovieTable> _movies = dataEntities.MovieTables;

        var query =
            from MovieTable in _movies
            where MovieTable.Rating == "R"
            orderby MovieTable.id
            select new { MovieTable.Title, MovieTable.Rating, MovieTable.Stars, MovieTable.ReleaseYear };

       ??? MoviesList = query.ToList();
       return MoviesList;

//where as the code behind was simply gridName.ItemsSource = query.ToList()


Sending into the DataGrid:

<UserControl x:Class="MovieMockup.MovieMockupListView"
<DataGrid ItemSource="{Binding MovieMockupListModel.MoviesList}">


Any input would be greatly appreciated!!

我通常使用IListIEnumerable ,尽管我想您也可以返回object

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