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Remove all the 'tr' if the any of the 'td' does not have given text

I have a table with many rows . first row is the header.

i want to delete all the rows if any of its td does not have given text.

     <td id="1" class="links">Madia</td>
     <td id="" class="edit_client" >Press</td>
    <td id="2" class="td_link" >Nagara </td>
    <td class="td_link" id="11" class="edit_client">KR Pura</td>

I want to delete all the tr , if any of its td does not have given text say "me hussy".

 $('tr').each(function () { 


i do not want delete first row because its header. so function should check from second row onwards.

Try doing this

$('table tr:gt(0)').each(function() {
   if ($('td:contains("me hussy")', this).length == 0) $(this).remove();

Demo on jsFiddle.net


Thanks mesiesta for :gt(0)


With respect to OP's comment

var name = "me hussy";
$('table tr:gt(0)').each(function() {
   if ($('td:contains("'+ name +'")', this).length == 0) $(this).remove();
var name="me hussy";


$('tr:not(:contains("me hussy")):not(:first)').remove();

You should use thead and tbody to separate the rows but this should work;

$(function() {
    var $table = $('table#byID');
    var $bodyRows = $table.find('tr').not(':first'); // Exclude the first row
    var hasEmptyTds = $bodyRows.find('td').filter(function() { // Filter by text, could also use the :contains selector
        return ($(this).text() != 'me hussy')
    }).length > 0;

    if (hasEmptyTds) {
        $bodyRows.remove(); // Remove all table body rows

If you need to re-use the functionality, wrap it in a function, otherwise you can just replace the mustMatchString in the jQuery line below. To remove the first item, use the jQuery .slice method.

function runRemoval(mustMatchString) {
   jQuery('tr').slice(1).each(function() {
       if(!jQuery('td:contains("' + mustMatchString + '")', this).length) {


runRemoval('me hussy')​;


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