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asp.net web service : sending json within json

I'm using jquery to send a json string to an ASMX web service. The code behind for the web service method definition looks like this:

[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string DoMyProcess(string TheDataID, string TheUserID, string TheData) {

The string TheData is a javascript object MyObject that I serialize using

var TheData = JSON.stringify(MyObject);

The jquery part that sends the json looks like this:

var AjaxData = '{"TheDatatID":"' + DatatID + '","TheUserID":"' + UserID + '","TheData":"' + TheData + '"}';

      type: "POST",
      url: "../WebServices/MyServices.asmx/DoMyProcess",
      data: AjaxData,
      contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
      dataType: "json",
      cache: "false",
      success: RequestSuccess,
      error: RequestError

As it is, I get a 500 error and the debugger doesn't even fire in VS. However, if I replace var TheData = JSON.stringify(MyObject); with

var TheData = "test";

I'm able to get the debugger to break on the first line of the code behind file.

This must be the result of a problem when sending json within json; it should work but it doesn't. What am I missing?

At first you can use fiddler for more details about Error 500.

But I think the mistake is at sending JSON in JSON. You must replace character \\" to \\"


var TheData = JSON.stringify(MyObject).replace(new RegExp('\\"', 'g'),'\\\\"');

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