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Can Visual Studio 2010 C++ inherit include path from referenced projects?

Visual Studio C++'s project reference (Accessible in Property Pages/Common Properties/Add New Reference... ) feature allows you to use the symbol definitions in one project (eg project A a static lib) in another (eg project B an executable).

Adding a reference 'automates' adding project A's output directory into project B's Property Pages/Linker/General/Additional Library Dependencies , and adding the name of A's output lib into project B's Property Pages/Linker/Input/Additional Dependencies .

Q: Is there a way to make project B automatically include the include path from project A, eg through a macro in project B's Property Pages/C,C++/General/Additional Include Directories ?


您可能想看一下Property Sheet

If I understood your question correct, then you had a similar problem as me. You can find an answer to this related problem here: Get Include Directories for custom build step

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