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load text into textarea from code behind in asp.net using C#

I've one asp.net page and I want to load text into the textArea control which is in aspx page from into a variable in code behind (C#):

Code behind:

System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTextArea Output1 = 
Output1.Value = Output.ToString();


<div style ="width: 78%; float: right; height: 85px; display: block;" 

    <textarea id="textarea1" name="textarea1" cols="30" rows="3" 
        class="message_text_box" title="Share your Idias here..." 
        tabindex="1" onkeyup="addrow_fun();"></textarea>                        

but it is giving error like

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

You should add the


attribute to the text area.

Or, preferable you should use the TextBox ASP.NET control and set the TextMode property to TextBoxMode.MultiLine . Example follows:

Code behind:

Output1.Text = Output.ToString();


<div style ="width: 78%; float: right; height: 85px; display: block;" 

    <asp:TextBox ID="Output1" Rows="3" 
        CssClass="message_text_box" ToolTip="Share your ideas here..." 
        TextMode="MultiLine" />                        

Add runat="server" in *.aspx file. Use Innertext property to set the text value. Eg

htmlTexarea.InnerHtml = "sample"

添加runat =“server”并从后面的代码中获取InnerText的值

  1. Add runat="server" to your control
  2. Check your .designer.cs or codebehind .cs file for textarea / textbox declaration and fix it.
  3. Do not use FindControl function (it is not recursive), get control by ID. textarea1.Value = xxx;

尝试转换为HTML通用控件并设置其值或将其更改为使用asp文本框textmode = multiline

如果添加runat =“server”属性,则应该能够直接使用textarea1.innerText。

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