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Apex Map within a Map

I need to have a Map within a Map in one of my Triggers. I know how to build the map initially as that is documented:

Map<Id, Map<Id, Addendum__c>> addendums = new Map<Id, Map<Id, Addendum__c>>{};

However, I'm having trouble actually assigning values to the multi-dimensional map. Normally I would use .put() to place values into a single-dimension map. Maybe I'm still supposed to use that function, but I can't for the life of me figure out the correct syntax.

I have tried the following which do not work:

addendums.put(addendum.Opportunity__c, addendum.Id, addendum);

addendums.put(addendum.Opportunity__c, (addendum.Id, addendum));

Does anyone know how to do this?


Using your sample code will work, though of course the second level map can only ever have one entry, if you're in a situation where you may need more then the code below will do the trick for you:

    // This line creates the map in the proper format
    Map<Id,Map<Id,Addendum__c>> addendums = new Map<Id,Map<Id,Addendum__c>>{};
    // This for loop goes through each addendum and first places it into a single dimension map.  
    // Once that map is created, it is placed into the final multi-dimensional
    for(Addendum__c addendum : [SELECT Id,Opportunity__c FROM Addendum__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN :oppBatch])
        if(addendums.get(addendum.Opportunity__c) == null)
            addendums.put(addendum.Opportunity__c, new Map<Id, Addendum__c>{addendum.Id => addendum);
            addendums.get(addendum.Opportunity__c).put(addendum.Id, addendum);

As you can see this uses get() on the first map to get the correct second-level map in which we want to add an addendum.

The method that Josh provided works fine. If you'd like to remove one line of code, you can using the following approach:

Map<Id, Map<Id,Addendum__c>> addendums = new Map<Id,Map<Id,Addendum__c>>();
for(Addendum__c addendum : [SELECT Id,Opportunity__c FROM Addendum__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN :oppBatch]){
    addendums.put(addendum.opportunity__c, new Map<Id, Addendum__c>{addendum.id => addendum});

I'm not aware of a more efficient approach than this one.

I found a way to do this, although I'm not sure whether it's the most efficient method or not. So if you have a better solution, please let me know, I'll transfer the "solution" credit to you.

What I did was assign the first map, and then place that map within the final map.

// This line creates the map in the proper format
Map<Id,Map<Id,Addendum__c>> addendums = new Map<Id,Map<Id,Addendum__c>>{};

// This for loop goes through each addendum and first places it into a single dimension map.  
// Once that map is created, it is placed into the final multi-dimensional
for(Addendum__c addendum : [SELECT Id,Opportunity__c FROM Addendum__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN :oppBatch]){
    Map<Id,Addendum__c> thisAddendum = new Map<Id,Addendum__c>{ addendum.Id => addendum };

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