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How can I count the total number of all likes and comments on every object on a facebook page?

I'd like to use any of the available facebook APIs, ideally FQL to get the total number of all likes and comments on all objects on a certain facebook page. Is this possible?

So for example:

If page X has 10 posts, every post has 10 likes and 20 comments on it, the total number I'm going for is: 10*10 + 20*10 = 300.

Additionally, the page might have other objects like photos, videos, which also may contain additional likes and comments, which should also increment the total value.

This is relatively simple, here's the FQL query you can run:

SELECT likes.count, comments.count FROM stream WHERE source_id = 20531316728

This example uses the Facebook Page, but you can see how it works, just substitute your own Page ID for that pages ID.

Matthew's solution is pretty fine, but lacks pagination, which is pretty important. I assume you use PHP, so I'll show you solution I used once before

Assuming you're using PHP SDK



$fb = new Facebook(array(
    "appId" => "2859321",
    "secret" => "b226a5sd46as5d4as6d513as",

if (!$fb->getUser()) {
    if (file_get_contents("accessToken")) {
    } else {
        die("We have no access token for adult only pages");

$page_ids = array();
$page_ids[] = 40796308305; // cocacola

function processPage($data, $id, &$pageComments, &$pageLikes, $&lastTime, $fb) {
    foreach($data as $index => $post) {
        $post = (object)$post;
        $pageComments += $post->comments['count'];
        $pageLikes += $post->likes['count'];
        $lastTime = $post->created_time;

    $result = ($fb->api("/fql?q=".urlencode("SELECT comments.count, created_time, likes.count FROM stream WHERE source_id = {$id} AND created_time < {$lastTime} LIMIT 10000")));
    echo "Proccessing ".count($data)." posts. Last post has time $lastTime\n";
    if ($result) {
        processPage($result["data"], $id, $pageComments, $pageLikes, $lastTime, $fb);

try {
    $totalComments = 0;
    $totalLikes = 0;

    foreach($page_ids as $id) {
        $pageComments = 0;
        $pageLikes = 0;

        $result = ($fb->api("/fql?q=".urlencode("SELECT comments.count, likes.count FROM stream WHERE source_id = ".$id." LIMIT 10000")));
        if (!empty($result["data"])) {
            processPage($result["data"], $id, $pageComments, $pageLikes, $lastTime, $fb);
            echo "Proccessed page id $id\n";

        updateDbPost($id, $pageLikes, $pageComments);

} catch (Exception $e) {
    die("Something failed, it should not have passed here :: ".$e->getMessage());

function updateDbPost($id, $pageLikes, $pageComments) {
    if ($pageLikes > 0) {
        //insert to the database

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