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Database connection from one server to another server

Is it possible to connect to a database lying on different server through another server ?

For example :-

I want to access the users table of www.abc.com from www.xqz.com , both are on different server.

Can you give me any ideas ? will really appreciate if provide me the php query to connect. Thanks.

"Is it possible" is a bit over-reaching, I think. To give you the shortest answer, yes, it is possible . However, whether or not you could do it depends on a lot of variables, not least of which is whether your hosting providers allow it. For instance, I use Hostmonster for Linux hosting, and to remotely access my MySQL database I have to first whitelist the IP address of the machine that will be accessing it.

Most hosting services provide a FAQ section that should do a decent job of answering this particular question for you. Some will even provide support technicians help you set it up (Hostmonster does, within reason).


Try This :

    // Server in the this format: <computer>\<instance name> or 
    // <server>,<port> when using a non default port number

    // Suppose your "www.abc.com" has an IP =
    // So to connect, do something like this : 

    $server = ',PORT_NUMBER'; // FOR WINDOWS
    $server = ''; // FOR LINUX

    // Connect to MSSQL
    $link = mssql_connect($server, [username], [password]);

    if (!$link) {
        die('Something went wrong while connecting to MSSQL');

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