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buffer corruption in netty

I got a strange error when using netty(with camel), we use LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder for communication, client is a socket program from third party, we use netty(camel-netty component) on the server side.

sometimes got two messages "merged" into one, and hence the forthcoming data get all wrong.

for example:

client send two messages:


where [10] is the length bytes and AAAAAAAAAA is the data.

but on the server we got [10]AAAAAA[10]BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAA

seems the the first message got split by the second one, so the decoder interpreted the data as:




so that the first message is correct in length but wrong in data, and the second message is wrong in length "BB", and get a much longer data packet.

hope I described clearly, anyone met this before?


Is your LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder extends FrameDecoder ? And is it singleton or not?

Actually I encounted the same problem,and I agree with Peter's point;

I've took a look at the FrameDecoder ,and found that there is a ChannelBuffer property named "cumulation" ,which will be shared to all Channels of the decoder.

and let's look inside the FrameDecoder.messageReceived method:

public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e) throws Exception {

    Object m = e.getMessage();
    if (!(m instanceof ChannelBuffer)) {

    ChannelBuffer input = (ChannelBuffer) m; // here is the buffer from the channel
    if (!input.readable()) {

    ChannelBuffer cumulation = cumulation(ctx); // here is the buffer wrapped by the FrameDecoder
    if (cumulation.readable()) {

        // where "[10]AAA[10]BBBBB" happens

        // if code run here,we will get the wrong buffer
        callDecode(ctx, e.getChannel(), cumulation, e.getRemoteAddress());
    } else {
        callDecode(ctx, e.getChannel(), input, e.getRemoteAddress());
        if (input.readable()) {

I think the correct way to use FrameDecoder is make it multcase.

well, this proved to be a "bug" of camel-netty component, I will post a fix to camel project later on. Before that, please be careful using the camel-netty component, especially do not use encoders/decoders not mark with @sharable annotation, it will lead to the problem since state maybe shared among different connections.

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