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Email Templates ColdFusion9

I am having some issues with my email setup and hoping that someone in here encountered something similar before.

I am using CF9 to begin with. I have an email template which I'm using to send different emails with dynamic content coming from a DB.

The emails are going out as HTML emails and I am using this as my header:

<!-- // Begin Module: Standard Header Image \\ -->
<img src="http://www.example.com/cf_modules/autoresponders/example/sf_email_head.jpg" 
id="headerImage campaign-icon" mc:label="header_image" mc:edit="header_image" mc:allowdesigner="" mc:allowtext="" alt="Image" />
<!-- // End Module: Standard Header Image \\ -->

My issue is that sometime the image is not being displayed and when I inspect the code the link for the image becomes something like


Anyone have any idea why this is happening and if it is an error in my coding why it doesn't show up in all of the emails that are being sent out?

Also, I forgot to mention that I am giving the user the option to edit the email with TinyMCE and as I read on forums sometimes this editor is converting URLs to links. Im just waiting to see if my fix is working.

TinyMCE was messing with my URLs

I fixed it by adding

        // General options 
        mode : "textareas", 
        elements : "htmleditor",
        theme : "advanced", 
        convert_urls : false

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