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Server.MapPath inside Application_End handler in Global.asax

I want to save a file when my application ends.

For that, I need to get the root folder of the application.

The only way I know to do that is using Server.MapPath("~") , but this does not work, even through HttpContext.Current.Server because there is not current context, as far as I understand.

Is there a smart & simple way to get that folder path? Will I have permission problems, trying to create a file in the root folder?

Any alternative ideas how to accomplish this?

您应该使用HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath ,它始终有效。

  1. Request.MapPath("")
  2. Request.PhysicalApplicationPath
  3. HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath


It should be HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath only as the other two option will be null in Application_End handler.

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