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How to generate OpenStack compatible images?

i have a two node OpenStack Diablo Cluster up and running. I tried to get the small tty-Linux Image running and it worked without problems.

In my naivity i now tried to get my own OpenSuse images working wich i created with OpenSuse Studio. I have tried .vmdk and .raw running with:

glance add name="My-raw" is_public=true container_format=bare disk_format=raw < /cloud/images/My_Appliance.raw

launch per dashboard or euca-run-instances ...

I use qemu as libvirt_type. The instances will be shown as running but i cannot ping them nor is there a console output, so guess they are not started correctly. /var/log/nova/nova-compute.log and /var/log/libvirt/qemu/instance-xx.log show no errors.

Is it even possible to run those images without kernel and ramdisk? If not, how do i get/generate these?

With libvirt, you should be able to run raw or qcow2 images, you don't need a kernel or ramdisk. Try testing with one of the QCOW2 Ubuntu cloud images (eg, oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img)

See also the Image Management chapter in the OpenStack Compute admin guide. This chapter has information on where to get images, as well as how to create them.

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