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JSON.parse: unexpected character

I'm trying to pass a json from php jquery, after getting into an array of sql query and get the following javascript error.

JSON.parse: unexpected character

The function to return result of sql:

public function selectassocSql($sql){
$i = 0;
        $resSelect = array();
        mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
        while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) )
            $resSelect[$i] = $row;
        return $resSelect;

After use this function in this way,

$sql = "SELECT id, code, name FROM table WHERE code LIKE '%$codcli%' ";
$v = $data->selectassocSql($sql);
echo json_encode($v, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); 

And the javascript code is this:


            type: 'POST',
              //console.log("SUCCESS " + data);
              var json_cli = $.parseJSON(data);

How I can correct this error and how I can read a json from jquery?

You don't need the $.parseJSON call as jQuery automatically does it because if you don't specify a dataType property jQuery tries to guess it and calls the correct function to parse the response before the data is handled to the success function

        type: 'POST',
          //console.log("SUCCESS " + data);
          var json_cli = data;

check out also this question Why is 'jQuery.parseJSON' not necessary?

I just ran into this in FF10.0.2 with data that looked like:

[ { "firstName": 'Joe', "lastName": 'Smith' } ]

(with multiple objects in the array - shortened for clarity)

It actually parsed OK using eval, though, instead of JSON.parse. (I'm not using jQuery here.)

The problem went away when I changed ' to " for the values:

[ { "firstName": "Joe", "lastName": "Smith" } ]

I thought the " requirement was only for property names, not data values.

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