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AsyncController callback not being invoked, how to invoke it?

Hello i'm trying to implement an AsynController,

here is my code:

public class GraphController : BaseAsyncController
    private readonly IReportsRepository _reportsRepository;
    private readonly ISqlQueryRepository _sqlQueryRepository;

    //Background worker
    private readonly BackgroundWorker _worker = new BackgroundWorker();

    public GraphController(ISqlQueryRepository sqlQueryRepository, IReportsRepository reportsRepository)
        _sqlQueryRepository = sqlQueryRepository;
        _reportsRepository = reportsRepository;

    public void Index()

        _worker.DoWork += (sender, args) =>
            AsyncManager.Parameters["message"] = "hello world";

        _worker.RunWorkerCompleted += (sender, args) => AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Decrement();
        //run the worker

    public ActionResult IndexCompleted(string message) //callback not being invoked
        ViewData["message"] = message;
        return View();

The question is why the completed callback is not being invoked?

Thanks in advance.

The name of your action is wrong. It should not be Index . It should be IndexAsync . Take a look at the following article which illustrates the usage of asynchronous controllers in ASP.NET MVC.

Note that BackgroundWorker is a Windows Form component. Don't use WinForms components in ASP.NET applications. They are not designed to be used in server applications. I'd recommend you TPL.


public class GraphController : BaseAsyncController
    private readonly IReportsRepository _reportsRepository;
    private readonly ISqlQueryRepository _sqlQueryRepository;

    public GraphController(ISqlQueryRepository sqlQueryRepository, IReportsRepository reportsRepository)
        _sqlQueryRepository = sqlQueryRepository;
        _reportsRepository = reportsRepository;

    public void IndexAsync()
        Task.Factory.StartNew(() => 
            // do the work

            // the work is finished => pass the results and decrement
            AsyncManager.Parameters["message"] = "hello world";

    public ActionResult IndexCompleted(string message)
        ViewData["message"] = message;
        return View();

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