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custom AutoClose vim plugin

I am using the AutoClose plugin for vim and I was trying to add my own custom feature which will close my <% with %> but right now when it is closing my cursor is being placed in the middle of the % and > therefore I have to go back with the arrow keys. Does anyone know how to fix this? Right now I have this line in the autoclose.vim file:

let s:charsToClose = {"<% ": " %>", "<%= ": " %>"}

I am using the AutoClose plugin by Thiago Alves found here: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2009

This is a bit rough but it works here.

After adding your pairs to

let s:charsToClose = {'(': ')', '{': '}', '[': ']', '"': '"', "'": "'","<% ": " %>", "<%= ": " %>"}

Change line 75 from:

let l:result .= s:charsToClose[a:char] . "\<Left>"


if len(a:char) > 1
    let l:result .= s:charsToClose[a:char] . "\<Left>\<Left>\<left>"
    let l:result .= s:charsToClose[a:char] . "\<Left>"

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