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how to get first argument from url in javascript

I just wanted to find my first argument from my url.



I just wanted to string "ix=teb".

How to get that string only.

window.location.search.replace("?", "").split("&")[0];


in case there's a variable holding url:

url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("?") + 1).split("&")[0];

You can use a regular expression to read out parts of the URL:

window.location.search.match(/\?([^&$]+)/)[1] // == 'ix=teb'

In the event that there isn't anything in the query string of the URL, this would cause an error, so you should include some type checking like:

var queryStringMatch = window.location.search.match(/\?([^&$]+)/);
if(queryStringMatch) {
   // do something with queryStringMatch[1]

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