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IIS - Using HttpHandler for all files except for one

I use a custom HttpHandler in .NET for all *.html files, however I want to create a single exception for the file foo.html , which should be handled as a static file on the hard drive. I've tried:

     <remove verb="*" path="*.html" />
     <add verb="*" path="/foo.html" type="System.Web.StaticFileHandler" />
     <add verb="*" path="*.html" validate="false" type="Imp.Handler" />

As well as:

     <remove verb="*" path="*.html" />
     <add verb="*" path="*.html" validate="false" type="Imp.Handler" />
     <add verb="*" path="/foo.html" type="System.Web.StaticFileHandler" />

However, both will cause Imp.Handler to handle foo.html requests still. What am I doing wrong?

IIS is running in Classic mode.

may be this method can help you,move the files to the other folder and disable httphandler for this folder.

<location allowOverride="false" path="Static">
        <remove verb="*" path="*.htm"/>
        <!--<add verb="*" path="/foo.htm" type="System.Web.StaticFileHandler" />-->

     <add verb="*" path="*.html" validate="false" type="Imp.Handler" />

i trying test this,the question is :

if i remove HttpHandler for the "*.html" in the location element,and add a other httphandler will doesn't worked .for example:

    <remove verb="*" path="*.htm"/>
    <add verb="*" path="foo.html" validate="false" type="Imp.Handler" />

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