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Asynctask progress dialog

I have a problem moving some of my initial code into an Asynctask.

I've been reading through several Asynctask examples as well as the Android developer article on Asynctask but I'm finding it hard to relate it to my code in a away I can understand.

The code below gives me an error and force closes when executing doInBackground(), and is Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()

public class LoadingDialog extends AsyncTask<ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>, Void, ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>>

    ProgressDialog pDialog = new ProgressDialog(Home.this);

    protected void onPreExecute() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        pDialog = ProgressDialog.show(Home.this, "", "Loading...");


    protected ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> doInBackground(ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>... params) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        eventList = database.getEvents();
        venueList = database.getVenues();
        finalList = createFinalList(eventList, venueList);

        return finalList;

    protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> result) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        ListAdapter adapter = new SimpleAdapter(Home.this, finalList , R.layout.home,
                  new String[] { "eventName", "venueName", "startTime"},
                  new int[] { R.id.item_title, R.id.item_subtitle, R.id.item_datetime });

                  lv = getListView();

                  lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener()
                      public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id)
                          Intent i = new Intent(Home.this, EventInfo.class);

                          HashMap<String, String> map = finalList.get(position);
                          String eID = map.get("eventId");
                          String name = map.get("eventName");
                          String venue = map.get("venueName");
                          String lati = map.get("venueLatitude");
                          String longi = map.get("venueLongitude");
                          String opening = map.get("openingTimes");
                          String descrip = map.get("venueDescription");
                          String vID = map.get("venueId");
                          String email = map.get("venueEmail");
                          String phone = map.get("venuePhone");
                          String facebook = map.get("venueFacebook");
                          String twitter = map.get("venueTwitter");

                          i.putExtra("itemId", eID);
                          i.putExtra("itemName", name);
                          i.putExtra("venueName", venue);
                          i.putExtra("venueLati", lati);
                          i.putExtra("venueLong", longi);
                          i.putExtra("opening", opening);
                          i.putExtra("venueDescription", descrip);
                          i.putExtra("venueID", vID);
                          i.putExtra("venueEmail", email);
                          i.putExtra("venuePhone", phone);
                          i.putExtra("venueFacebook", facebook);
                          i.putExtra("venueTwitter", twitter);
                          startActivityForResult(i, 0);               




This is part of the home class:

public class Home extends ListActivity {
int eventid;
String[] venue = null;
String[] name = null;
private SqlParser database = new SqlParser();
private ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> eventList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
private ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> venueList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
private ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> finalList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
ListView lv = null;

I would really appreciate any help.

create this line ProgressDialog pDialog = new ProgressDialog(Home.this); in out side the AsynTask class

Just check your code:

    protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> result) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        ListAdapter adapter = new SimpleAdapter(Home.this, finalList , R.layout.home,
                  new String[] { "eventName", "venueName", "startTime"},
                  new int[] { R.id.item_title, R.id.item_subtitle, R.id.item_datetime });

                  lv = getListView();

Here you are trying to set adapter to listview before getting ListView actually.

It should be like:

 lv = getListView();

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