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jQuery.each() in Node.js?

I have to loop in a JSON array to get some informations in node , but I only know how to to this using $.each() in jQuery. So I want to know if there are any alternative for the $.each jQuery function in node.js?

You can use this

for (var name in myobject) {
   console.log(name + ": " + myobject[name]);

Where myobject could be your JSON data

Check out the answer here: Looping through JSON with node.js

You should use the native for ( key in obj ) iteration method:

for ( var key in yourJSONObject ) {
    if ( Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(yourJSONObject, key) ) {
        // do something
        // `key` is obviously the key
        // `yourJSONObject[key]` will give you the value

If you're dealing with an array, just use a regular for loop:

for ( var i = 0, l = yourArray.length; i < l; i++ ) {
    // do something
    // `i` will contain the index
    // `yourArray[i]` will have the value

Alternatively, you can use the array's native forEach method, which is a tad slower , but more concise:

yourArray.forEach(function (value, index) {
    // Do something
    // Use the arguments supplied. I don't think they need any explanation...

In nodejs I found Array.forEach(callback) to best suite my needs. It works just like jQuery:

myItems.forEach(function(item) {


jQuery is just javascript, you can do the loop yourself.

I don't know the structure of the JSON array you're looping but you can use a for..in method to get every property of an object.

So you would do something like:

    for( var i = 0; len = jsonArray.length; i < len; i++) {
        for(var prop in jsonArray[i]) {
         //do something with jsonArray[i][prop], you can filter the prototype properties with hasOwnProperty

Also you can use the forEach method that Array provides, that works in a similar way that jQuerys .each()

good luck!

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