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Reading files from an embedded ZIP archive

I have a ZIP archive that's embedded inside a larger file. I know the archive's starting offset within the larger file and its length.

Are there any Java libraries that would enable me to directly read the files contained within the archive? I am thinking along the lines of ZipFile.getInputStream() . Unfortunately, ZipFile doesn't work for this use case since its constructors require a standalone ZIP file.

For performance reasons, I cannot copy the ZIP achive into a separate file before opening it.

edit: Just to be clear, I do have random access to the file.

I've come up with a quick hack (which needs to get sanitized here and there), but it reads the contents of files from a ZIP archive which is embedded inside a TAR. It uses Java6, FileInputStream, ZipEntry and ZipInputStream. ' Works on my local machine ':

final FileInputStream ins = new FileInputStream("archive.tar");
// Zip starts at 0x1f6400, size is not needed
long toSkip = 0x1f6400;
// Safe skipping
while(toSkip > 0)
    toSkip -= ins.skip(toSkip);

final ZipInputStream zipin = new ZipInputStream(ins);
ZipEntry ze;
while((ze = zipin.getNextEntry()) != null)
    final byte[] content = new byte[(int)ze.getSize()];
    int offset = 0;
    while(offset < content.length)
        final int read = zipin.read(content, offset, content.length - offset);
        if(read == -1)
        offset += read;
    // DEBUG: print out ZIP entry name and filesize
    System.out.println(ze + ": " + offset);

I suggest using TrueZIP , it provides file system access to many kinds of archives. It worked well for me in the past.

1.create FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(..);

  1. position it at the start of embedded zipfile: fis.skip(offset);

  2. open ZipInputStream(fis)

I think apache commons compress may help you.

There is a class org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.zip.ZipArchiveEntry , which inherit java.util.zip.ZipEntry .

It has a method getDataOffset() , that can get the offset of data stream within the archive file.

如果您使用的是Java SE 7,则它提供了一个zip fie系统,可让您直接在zip中读取/写入文件: http : //docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/io/ fsp / zipfilesystemprovider.html

Check whether zip4j helps you or not.

You can try PartInputStream to read zip file as per your use case.

I think it is better to create temp zip file and then accessing it.

7-zip-JavaBinding is a Java wrapper for the 7-zip C++ library.

The code snippets page in particular has some nice examples including printing a list of items in an archive, extracting a single file and opening multi-part archives.

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