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Determine if a UL has 1 or more LI within

How can I use JavaScript to determine if a UL contains 1 or more LI's within?

Pseudo code

if('ul#items' has >= 1 LI){


With jQuery:

$('ul#items li').length >= 1

Without jQuery:

document.getElementById('items').getElementsByTagName('li').length >= 1


if( $('#items li').length >= 1 ){...

Use document.getElementById("items").childNodes.length and a number comparison operator. If your ul does contain other nodes than li , you will have to filter them.

In jQuery:


I guess you only want direct children, so don't use find().

if ($('ul#items').children('li').length) {
    // etc.


$('ul#items li').length

If you're using jQuery

if($('ul > li').size()>0) {


That will check that the UL element has more than 0 direct child li elements.

if ($('ul#items > li').length >= 1)

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