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Storing model (e.g., lm) in list changes its class

I am storing lm models in a list and then want to use loops to access a specific model to extract results. Specifically, I have code like this:

model1 <- lm(dv ~ group,data=df,na.action=na.omit)
model2 <- lm(dv ~ cov + group,data=df,na.action=na.omit)
model3 <- lm(dv ~ group,data=df_out,na.action=na.omit)
model4 <- lm(dv ~ cov + group,data=df_out,na.action=na.omit)

lom <- list(main=model1,main_cov=model2,main_out=model3, main_cov_out=model4)

for (x in c(1:length(lom))) {
    for (y in c(1:length(lom[[x]]))) {
        modl <- lolom[[x]][y]
        class(modl) <- "lm" 
        anov <- Anova(modl,type="II") # (from Car package)
        } # (y in c(1:length(lom[[x]])))
    } # (x in c(1:length(lom)))

but get this error...

Error in terms.default(object) : no terms component nor attribute In addition: Warning message: In is.na(coef(mod)) : is.na() applied to non-(list or vector) of type 'NULL'

I checked the class of "modl" and it was "list" so I tried to change the class hoping that Anova would then be able to access all the relevant information contained in the lm object, but to no avail. I know the whole object is actually stored in the list by checking names and accessing different levels of the modl object (eg, modl$model).

Maybe lapply(lom, Anova,type="II") ?

and if you want a list of all the objects:

lapply(lom, function(x) lapply(seq_along(names(x)), function(i) x[i]))

(Assuming that you really mean lom[[x]][y] and lolom is a typo.)

Too many loops?

You want to run Anova on each model, that is, each entry of the list:

for (x in 1:length(lom)) {
    modl <- lom[[x]]
    # etc

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