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Define a constant function call

My code is like this:

if (!mysql_query($q)){

Now I want to replace "SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY DATABASE" with mysql_error() in case I want to debug it. what is the easiest way ?

This does not seem to work work: define("ERROR", mysql_error());

---- edit ---

I don't want to use mysql_error() under production environment, it may help the attacker figure out something related to my database? That's my point of using a constant string

as in C you can do #define x yourfunction() I'm not sure if I can do the same in php

The simple answer is "you cannot do that". The whole point of constant is that it's constant as in its value is never changed . If it refers to a function call, the function can return any value - and it's not constant any more.

One trick you can do is define the function call itself to be the value of the constant - and then eval it on demand, something like this:

define("ERROR", "return mysql_error()");

However this is really a rather bad code. You'd be much better off doing


A constant should be exactly what the name implies - constant . You cannot redeclare a constant, and anything that has a variable value should be stored in - you guessed it - a variable .

However, you could do something like this:



  // ... 

  if (!mysql_query($q)){
    die(ERROR . mysql_error());


mysql_error() has to be called AFTER the sql operation that you are trying to catch. You cannot catch this error with a predeclared constant or variable. You either have to call it directly, or call another function which calls it, like so:



define("ERROR", "Database Problem ");

function Err() {
  $sql_err = ERROR . mysql_error();
  return $sql_err;
// sql operation here, then test for error

You can use something like Stefan suggested and add a DEBUG constant which you can switch between prod and dev environment:

define('DEBUG', 1);

// In the function:
// ...
echo ERROR;

if (DEBUG){
  echo mysql_error();   


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