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Element-wise median and percentiles of arrays with Numeric Python

I am using Numeric Python. Unfortunately, NumPy is not an option. If I have multiple arrays, such as:


How do I return an array that represents the element-wise median of arrays a,b and c?...such as,


And then looking at a more general situation: Given n number of arrays, how do I find the percentiles of each element? For example, return an array that represents the 30th percentile of 10 arrays. Thank you very much for your help!

Combine your stack of 2-D arrays into one 3-D array, d = Numeric.array([a, b, c]) and then sort on the third dimension. Afterwards, the successive 2-D planes will be rank order so you can extract planes for the low, high, quartiles, percentiles, or median.

Putting Raymond Hettinger's description into python:


d = Numeric.array([a, b, c])

Since there are n=3 input matrii so the median would be that of the middle one, the one indexed by one,

print d[n//2]
[[5 8 3]
 [5 5 6]
 [5 2 3]]

And if you had 4 input matrii, you would have to get the mean-elements of d[1] and d[2].

Well, I'm not versed in Numeric, but I'll just start with a naive solution and see if we can make it any better.

To get the 30th percentile of list foo let x=0.3 , sort the list, and pick the the element at foo[int(len(foo)*x)]

For your data, you want to put it in a matrix, transpose it, sort each row, and get the median of each row.

A matrix in Numeric (just like numpy) is an array with two dimensions.

I think that bar = Numeric.array(a,b,c) would make Array you want, and then you could get the nth column with 'bar[:,n]' if Numeric has the same slicing techniques as Numpy.

foo = sorted(bar[:,n])

I hope that helps you.

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