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Accessing XPath query results when all that is returned is a LibXML object in Ruby

require 'net/http'; require 'libxml'

data = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse('http://myurl.com')).body
source = LibXML::XML::Parser.string(data).parse

tables = source.find('//table')


 => #<LibXML::XML::XPath::Object:0x1f4f50>

How do I access this? There are at least 11 tables there.

ps I can't use Nokogiri on my current setup.

You access the XPath results by asking for the node item like this.

require 'net/http'
require 'libxml'

# Sample text with a few tables
  <table id="t1"><tr><td>foo</td></tr></table>
  <table id="t2"><tr><td>goo</td></tr></table>
  <table id="t3"><tr><td>hoo</td></tr></table>

# Parse the text into tables
source = LibXML::XML::Parser.string(xml).parse
tables = source.find('//table')

# The XPath #each iterator does each XML node
tables.each {|node|
  puts node["id"] 

If you have an older version of libxml:

- puts node["id"] 
+ puts node.property("id")


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