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Sort objects in List by properties on the object

I have a List of objects in C#. All the objects contain properties code1 and code2 (among other properties). The list of objects is in no particular order. I need to sort the list of objects by their code1 and code2 properties.


List -> object = id, name, code1, code2, hours, amount.

Example code 1 = 004
Example code 2 = 001, 002, 003, 004, 016
Example code 1 = 005
Example code 2 = 001, 002, 003, 004

So after the sort I would want the objects in the following order

004 001
004 002
004 003
004 005
004 016
005 001
005 002
005 003
005 004

You could use linq extensions (leaving the original list unsorted):

var sorted = theList.OrderBy(o => o.code1).ThenBy(o => o.code2);

To replace the original list with a sorted one, make a slight amendment (not very efficient, it creates a new list):

theList = theList.OrderBy(o => o.code1).ThenBy(o => o.code2).ToList();

This assumes that your list is of the correct type, something like:

List<MyClass> theList = new List<MyClass>();

And not a list of objects, in which case you would need to make use of .Cast<>() or .OfType<>() .

Note that Adam Houldsworth's answer with the .ToList() call needlessly creates a new list. If your list is large, this may create unacceptable memory pressure. It would most likely be better to sort the list in place by providing a custom comparison function:

theList.Sort((a, b) =>
        var firstCompare = a.code1.CompareTo(b.code1);
        return firstCompare != 0 ? firstCompare : a.code2.CompareTo(b.code2);

Alternatively, if this ordering is an intrinsic property of your type, you could implement IComparable<T> on your type, and just call


... which will use the IComparable<T>.CompareTo() implementation.

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