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GAE Datastore results to FlexTable using JDO

This seems like a simple task, but somewhere in searching the docs- I've missed the connection.

I have a menu stored in GAE and can return the results of a query:

public String[] getMeals() throws NotLoggedInException {
    PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManager();
    List<String> meals = new ArrayList<String>();

    try {
        Query q = pm.newQuery(Meal.class, "user == u");
        q.declareParameters("com.google.appengine.api.users.User u");
        List<Meal> myMeals = (List<Meal>) q.execute(getUser());

        for (Meal myMeal : myMeals) {
    } finally {
    return (String[]) meals.toArray(new String[0]);

With those results, I'd like to bind it to a FlexTable. Using the stockwatcher sample, I've managed to get my ID bound to the FlexTable, but am missing the concept of how I tie the other fields in my result set to it. (The fields I have in the GAE are mealID, mealType and mealDate)

From above, we can see that I'm tossing mealID into a List. I also know that my other fields must exist in the query because I haven't done anything to filter them. As a matter of fact, if I change my code to:

meals.Add(myMeal.getMealID(), myMeal.getMealType(), myMeal.getMealDate());

it returns all the data, but the flex table treats each item as a new row instead of the three fields on one row.

So my question is: how should I be capturing my records and sending them to my FlexTable so that I can bind the FlexTable to the resultset?

For reference, client side code:

private void loadMeals() {
    // load meals from server service MealService
    mealService.getMeals(new AsyncCallback<String[]>() {
        public void onFailure(Throwable error) {
        public void onSuccess(String[] meals) {


private void displayMeals(String[] meals) {
    for (String meal : meals) {
        displayMenu(meal, meal, meal);

The flextable gets populated like this:

mealID | mealType | mealDate
1 | 1 | 1
2 | 2 | 2
3 | 3 | 3

I want it to populate like this:

mealID | mealType | mealDate
1 | Breakfast | 12/22/2012
2 | Lunch | 12/22/2012
3 | Snack | 12/23/2012

Thanks in advance for your input!

This question is a duplicate of Problems passing class objects through GWT RPC

Following the details in that link, and little hired help from oDesk got me going. Main oversight was needing the entrypoint class in {appname}.gwt.xml and placing the model classes in shared packages.

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