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Twitter-Bootstrap in Rails 3.2.3

Has anybody used twitter bootstrap and deployed application in production? Can you direct me to some resources? I watched railscasts but if there are any blogs which gives detail explanation. Are there any other option for frontend other than twitter bootstrap? Also, is there any javascript option?

Here's the thing: Bootstrap is not a front-end. It is a way to get started on the design of your site by creating a decent-looking starting point. It is mainly CSS (well, LESS) with a few optional JavaScript additions to add extra UI functionality.

If you're actually interested in building a front end to a Rails app, you may be interested in Backbone.js . Backbone is a way to link up your HTML DOM with your data (from Rails), and is great for single-page apps which don't require page refreshes every time you do anything. A good starting place for learning Backbone is Code School's Anatomy of Backbone tutorials. Coincidentally, Code School also offer many other courses you might like.

To link CSS and JavaScripts to your view, you can use Asset Tag Helpers .

As an example:

<%= javascript_include_tag "bootstrap" %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "bootstrap" %>

would generate tags linking to bootstrap.js and bootstrap.css , if those are the names of the files.

javascript_include_tag pulls scripts relative to app/assets/javascripts
stylesheet_link_tag pulls stylesheets relative to app/assets/stylesheets

If you want to reference a file in a directory structure (ie assets are not in the root of the above folders), you can link relative to those root folders:

<%= javascript_include_tag "/bootstrap/bootstrap-min" %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "/bootstrap/bootstrap" %>

These tags would reference app/assets/javascripts/bootstrap/bootstrap-min.js and app/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/bootstrap.css .

To apply styles, you would then use the stylesheet classes and ids in bootstrap.css. For instance, the button to fork Twitter's bootstrap looks like

<a href="https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/" 
   class="btn btn-primary btn-large">View project on GitHub</a>

You would use a URL Helper :

<%= link_to "View project on GitHub", 
             :class => "btn btn-primary btn-large" %>


If you are looking at the code on Github and confused about the .less extension, that is because Bootstrap uses a CSS generation framework called Less. You'll need to run make bootstrap and be sure you have lessc installed. Or, you can download the already compiled framework here .

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