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How to query a table (which has multiple rows pertaining to a single entity) and return GROUPED result but only where all conditionals have been met?

Firstly, pardon the incredibly vague/long question, I'm really not sure how to summarise my query without the full explanation.

Ok, I have a single MySQL table with the format like so


  • user_id
  • some_key
  • some_value

If you imagine that, for each user, there are multiple rows, for example:

1   |  skill   |   html
1   |  skill   |   php
1   |  foo     |   bar
2   |  skill   |   html
3   |  skill   |   php
4   |  foo     |   bar

If I want to find all the users who have listed HTML as a skill I can simply do:

SELECT user_id
FROM some_table
WHERE some_key = 'skill' AND some_value='html'
GROUP BY user_id

Easy enough. This would give me user ID's 1 and 2.

If I want to find all users who have listed HTML or PHP as a skill then I can do:

SELECT user_id
FROM some_table
WHERE (some_key = 'skill' AND some_value='html') OR (some_key = 'skill' AND some_value='php')
GROUP BY user_id

This would give me use ID's 1, 2 and 3.

Now, what I'm struggling to work out is how I can query the same table but this time say "give me all the users who have listed both HTML and PHP as a skill", ie: just user ID 1.

Any advice, guidance or links to docs massively appreciated.


Here's one way:

SELECT user_id
FROM some_table
WHERE user_id IN (SELECT user_id FROM some_table where (some_key = 'skill' AND some_value='html'))
AND user_id IN (SELECT user_id FROM some_table where (some_key = 'skill' AND some_value='php'))

I don't know if this is valid for mysql, but should be (works for other db engines):

 SELECT php.user_id 
 FROM some_table php, some_table html 
 WHERE php.user_id = html.user_id 
   AND php.some_key = 'skill' 
   AND html.some_key = 'skill' 
   AND php.some_value = 'php' 
   AND html.some_value = 'html';

And alternative, by using HAVING statement:

SELECT user_id, count(*) 
FROM some_table 
WHERE some_key = 'skill' 
  AND some_value in ('php','html') 
GROUP BY user_id 
HAVING count(*) = 2;

And a third option is to use inner selects. A slight alternative approach to David's approach:

SELECT user_id FROM some_table
   some_key = 'skill' AND
   some_value = 'html' AND
   user_id IN (
       SELECT user_id FROM some_table 
           some_key = 'skill' AND
           some_value = 'php' AND 
           user_id IN (
               SELECT user_id FROM some_table 
                   some_key = 'skill' AND
                   some_value = 'js' -- AND user_id IN ... for next level, etc.

... idea is that you can "pipe" the inner selects. With each new property you add new inner select to the most inner one.

you need to use a nested query (or a self join, which is different)

I set up the following table.

| Field | Type     | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id    | int(11)  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| type  | char(10) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| value | char(10) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

inserted the following values

| id   | type  | value |
|    1 | skill | html  |
|    1 | skill | php   |
|    2 | skill | html  |
|    3 | skill | php   |
|    2 | skill | php   |

ran this query

select id 
from test 
where type = 'skill' 
and value = 'html' 
and id in (
select id 
from test 
where type = 'skill' 
and value = 'php');

and got

| id   |
|    1 |
|    2 |

a self join would be as follows

select e1.id
from test e1, test e2
where e1.id = e2.id
and e2.type = 'skill'
and e2.value = 'html'
and e1.type = 'skill'
and e1.value = 'php'

and produce the same result.

so there you have two ways to try it in your code.

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