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generic ? abstract class ? what's the best to design my code?

  class TypeA 
      public TypeA Copy () { ... }
      public bool IsEqual(TypeA mytypeA) { ... }
      public bool IsSame(TypeA mytypeA) { ... }

  class TypeACollection : List<TypeA>
      public bool IsSame (TypeACollection typeAs)
          if (Count != typeAs.Count) 
              return false;
          return this[0].IsSame(typeAs[0]);

TypeB, TypeC have the similiar funcions Copy/IsEqual/IsSame as TypeA. TypeBCollection, TypeACollection have the similiar IsSame. The exception is TypeBCollection use TypeB.IsSame, TypeCCollection use TypeC.IsSame.

now, I plan to add 2 new classes: LocData and LocDataCollection

class LocData 
    public virtual TypeA Copy () { ... }
    public virtual bool IsEqual(TypeA mytypeA) { ... }
    public virtual bool IsSame(TypeA mytypeA) { ... }

class LocDataCollection<T> : List<LocData> where T: LocData
    public bool IsSame (LocDataCollection<T> typeAs)
        if (Count != typeAs.Count) 
        return false;
        return this[0].IsSame(typeAs[0]);

and rewrite existing code,

class TypeA : LocData
    public new TypeA Copy () { ... }
    public new bool IsEqual(TypeA mytypeA) { ... }
    public new bool IsSame(TypeA mytypeA) { ... }

class TypeACollection : ???
    // so I can remove IsSame here, 
    // when I call IsSame, it will use one from LocDataCollection and still call 
    // TypeA.IsSame

now I'm lost in abstract/virtual/generic/..., which is the best way?

您应该使用overrides替换new ,然后创建LocDataCollection<T> : Collection<T> where T : LocData

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