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C# Unit testing, using XML from a zip file

I've got a class that takes a string for the path to an xml file and outputs an object. I want to test the class using NUnit with some pre generated test scripts.

I have the scripts in a zip file and included in the project. I want to do something like this:

// Not sure how to do this
List<byte[]> scripts = GetTheScriptsSomehow();

foreach(var script in scripts )
  var parsedScript = ScriptParser.Parse(script);
  Assert.AreEqual(parsedScript.Blah, "BLAH");

The part I'm most concerned with is how to access the scripts that are zipped and part of the project.


Edit: To address some of the comments, the zip file is part of a unit test project, not the released codebase. It contains test scripts that should produce a known output that is testable. They're zipped because the scripts are rather large (100mb each)

Add this zip file in resources (project properties / resources / Add Resource / Add existing file), and use SharpZipLib to extract it from zip, let's say that your zip file is


code to extract scripts in string :

ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.scripts));
while (zip.GetNextEntry() != null)
  MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream();
  data.Position = 0;
  string scriptContents = new StreamReader(data).ReadToEnd();
  /// do something with scriptContents variable

Here are some examples of SharpZipLib usage :


C# natively doesn't have a way to manage zip files. You can use J# though.


Or you might consider unzipping into a temporary directory via the command line.

How to unzip a file using the command line?

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