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How to work with Shared foreign key in EF

    public class Entity1
       [Key, ForeignKey("entity1")]
       public int ID{get;set;}
       public virtual Entity2 entity2{get;set;}
       public virtual Entity3 entity3{get;set;}

This is my main Entity. Here I want to map this Entity with Entity2 and 3 with the same foreign key which is also primary key in Entity1,2,3 .

    public class Entity2
       public int Entity1ID{get;set;}
       // few entity specific properties

    public class Entity3
       public int Entity1ID{get;set;}
       // few entity specific properties

When is use my context class for mapping then i receive an error says the Dependent Role refers to the key properties, the upper bound of the multiplicity of the Dependent Role must

modelBuilder.Entity<Entity1>().HasOptional(u => u.Entity2)
        modelBuilder.Entity<Entity1>().HasOptional(u => u.Entity2)

If you need Shared primary key relationship only , then use the code above there is nothing extra to do, so remove annotation attributes.

You cannot have two properties with the same name. Try this:

public class Entity1
   [Key, ForeignKey("Entity2"), ForeignKey("Entity3")]
   pubic int ID{get;set;}
   public virtual Entity2 Entity2{get;set;}
   public virtual Entity3 Entity3{get;set;}

Btw. it looks like a very strange design.

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