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AKKA java example akka-sample-remote conf

I am very new to Akka, but so far I really like it. I have been able to get a small application running locally and now I want to test remote deployment and using remote actors.

To this end I reviewed and compiled the Java Akka 2.0.1 akka-remote-sample examples at ..


But when I try to run the compiled example ..

java -classpath `pwd`/src/main/resources:target/akka-remote-1.1.jar sample.remote.calculator.java.JCalcApp I get errors regarding the application.conf

I have made multiple attempts at tweaking the sample application.conf file but the closest I get to running the remote sample app successful is ..

Exception in thread "main" akka.remote.RemoteTransportException:Could not load remote transport layer akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport

I am using the Maven shade plugin to include all my dependencies in the jar. This worked with the local app.

Can someone please take a look at my conf file and let me know what I need to change.

Thank You !!

Here is my application.conf file ...

calculator {
include "common"

 akka {
    backoff-timeout = 0ms
    remote.backoff-timeout = 0ms
    remote.untrusted-mode = off
    remote.remote-daemon-ack-timeout = 30s
    remote.transport = "akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport"
    remote.log-received-messages = on
    remote.log-sent-messages = on
    remote.netty.port = 2552

remotelookup {
  include "common"

  akka {
    backoff-timeout = 0ms
    remote.backoff-timeout = 0ms
    remote.untrusted-mode = off
    remote.remote-daemon-ack-timeout = 30s
    remote.log-received-messages = on
    remote.log-sent-messages = on
    remote.transport = "akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport"
    remote.netty.port = 2553

remotecreation {
  include "common"

  akka {
    actor {
      deployment {
        /advancedCalculator {
          remote = "akka://CalculatorApplication@"
    backoff-timeout = 0ms
    remote.untrusted-mode = off
    remote.remote-daemon-ack-timeout = 30s
    remote.log-received-messages = on
    remote.log-sent-messages = on
    remote.transport = "akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport"
    remote.netty.port = 2554

and the common.conf ...

akka {

  actor {
    provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"

  remote {
    netty {
      hostname = ""

Okay, figured it out. Using this application.conf, the remote example will work.

Note : Also be sure to include the path to the application.conf in your classpath.

calculator {
  include "common"

  akka {
    remote.netty.max-total-memory-size = 0b
    remote.netty.max-channel-memory-size = 0b
    remote.netty.execution-pool-size = 4
    remote.netty.execution-pool-keepalive = 60s
    remote.netty.backlog = 4096
    remote.netty.connection-timeout = 120s
    remote.netty.outbound-local-address = "auto"
    remote.netty.message-frame-size = 1 MiB
    remote.netty.reconnect-delay = 5s
    remote.netty.all-timeout = 0s
    remote.netty.write-timeout = 0s
    remote.netty.read-timeout = 0s
    remote.netty.reconnection-time-window = 600s
    remote.netty.backoff-timeout = 0ms
    remote.netty.secure-cookie = ""
    remote.netty.require-cookie = off
    remote.netty.use-passive-connections = on
    remote.backoff-timeout = 0ms
    remote.untrusted-mode = off
    remote.remote-daemon-ack-timeout = 30s
    remote.transport = "akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport"
    remote.log-received-messages = on
    remote.log-sent-messages = on
    remote.netty.port = 2552

remotelookup {
  include "common"

  akka {
    remote.netty.max-total-memory-size = 0b
    remote.netty.max-channel-memory-size = 0b
    remote.netty.execution-pool-size = 4
    remote.netty.execution-pool-keepalive = 60s
    remote.netty.backlog = 4096
    remote.netty.connection-timeout = 120s
    remote.netty.outbound-local-address = "auto"
    remote.netty.message-frame-size = 1 MiB
    remote.netty.reconnect-delay = 5s
    remote.netty.all-timeout = 0s
    remote.netty.write-timeout = 0s
    remote.netty.read-timeout = 0s
    remote.netty.reconnection-time-window = 600s
    remote.netty.backoff-timeout = 0ms
    remote.netty.secure-cookie = ""
    remote.netty.require-cookie = off
    remote.netty.use-passive-connections = on
    remote.backoff-timeout = 0ms
    remote.untrusted-mode = off
    remote.remote-daemon-ack-timeout = 30s
    remote.log-received-messages = on
    remote.log-sent-messages = on
    remote.transport = "akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport"
    remote.netty.port = 2553

remotecreation {
  include "common"

  akka {
    actor {
      deployment {
        /advancedCalculator {
          remote = "akka://CalculatorApplication@"
    remote.netty.max-total-memory-size = 0b
    remote.netty.max-channel-memory-size = 0b
    remote.netty.execution-pool-size = 4
    remote.netty.execution-pool-keepalive = 60s
    remote.netty.backlog = 4096
    remote.netty.connection-timeout = 120s
    remote.netty.outbound-local-address = "auto"
    remote.netty.message-frame-size = 1 MiB
    remote.netty.reconnect-delay = 5s
    remote.netty.all-timeout = 0s
    remote.netty.write-timeout = 0s
    remote.netty.read-timeout = 0s
    remote.netty.reconnection-time-window = 600s
    remote.netty.backoff-timeout = 0ms
    remote.netty.secure-cookie = ""
    remote.netty.require-cookie = off
    remote.netty.use-passive-connections = on
    remote.untrusted-mode = off
    remote.remote-daemon-ack-timeout = 30s
    remote.log-received-messages = on
    remote.log-sent-messages = on
    remote.transport = "akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport"
    remote.netty.port = 2554

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